@2020 Copyrights Reserved. Any reproduction of his work is illegal and it may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the NCC. Any other reproduction or distribution, in whatever form and by wha…

The Comic-Mystic Surrealism is an attempt to name a style that strives for complexity within simplicity as the ultimate sophistication. A form of Art that engages with the concept of Multi-Universe, and the Nonexistence of Time. Forces of Nature that can be unraveled into both sides: the Light, and the Shadows. Made in a deep-state mental zone, a meditative processes where his work is one of finding the piece as if it already existed, only brought-to-Light by the artist.

“Loose it all for a Moment

Submerge into the madness of the Artists

To a vulnerable beauty of Surrealism

Lay in the bed of your Dreams

Your spirit doesn't know any other Truth

That's when you’re most Being.”

- C-Daniac artways