C-Daniac is an entity, a spark released long ago… A brand that strives for design, originality, and balance, created by Brazilian artist, designer, architect, Daniel Camargo. C-Daniac is the synthesis of all his work. A new style in Art. A strong and unique approach to a reckless quest for beauty, and truth, hidden within the very fabric of space, in a time different from ours. A trance to built and withdraw, to become exactly what one is meant to become: the Light, and the Shadow. Nature’s beauty may reflect with oneself, turning One as powerful as Nature’s beauty itself. C-Daniac balances complexity with simplicity, Form and Feel, in lieu of Reason.
C-Daniac has been part of multiple collective, and individual art shows in the U.S. and Brazil, and lives and work in California.
All Copyrights @2020 reserved. Any reproduction of his work is illegal and it may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the NCC. Any other reproduction or distribution, in whatever form and by whatever media, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of the artist.